2016 Workshop Agenda & Presentations

July 26, 2016, Argonne National Laboratory

8:30 AM Welcome and introductions

Debbie Myers, Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne)

Piotr Zelenay, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)

Dimitrios Papageorgopoulos, U.S. Department of Energy-Fuel Cell Technologies Office (DOE-FCTO)

8:40 AM Energy Materials Network overview (Download PDF) Eric Miller, DOE-FCTO
8:50 AM Introduction to ElectroCat: DOE perspective (Download PDF) Dimitrios Papageorgopoulos, DOE-FCTO
9:00 AM State of the art of PGM-free catalyst activity and durability (Download PDF) Piotr Zelenay, LANL
9:30 AM Overview of high-throughput techniques as applied to fuel cell catalysts and electrodes Debbie Myers, Argonne
10:00 AM Break
10:15 AM Summary of ElectroCat experimental capabilities (Download PDF)

Piotr Zelenay, LANL

Debbie Myers, Argonne

11:00 AM DFT modeling of PGM-free catalyst activity and durability (Download PDF) Ted Holby, LANL
11:30 AM Electrode microstructure and transport modeling Firat Cetinbas and Rajesh Ahluwalia, Argonne
12:00 PM Lunch
1:10 PM Data management and technology transfer/agreement approaches

Ian Foster, Argonne

Laura Barber, LANL (Download PDF)

1:40 PM Description of break-out sessions and goals Adria Wilson, DOE-FCTO
1:45 PM Break-out session discussions

  1. PGM-free catalysts and electrodes
  2. High-throughput/combinatorial tool development
  3. Advanced computational modeling
3:15 PM Reports from break-out sessions on stakeholder needs in PGM-free materials development, characterization tools, high-throughput approaches, and data management Break-out session discussion leaders
4:00 PM Summary and action items
4:15 PM Tour of High-Throughput Research Laboratory Ted Krause and Magali Ferrandon, Argonne
5:00 PM Adjourn