High Surface Area Catalysts
PGM-free Catalyst Synthesis, Analytical Characterization, and Electrochemical and Fuel Cell Testing
The expertise in PGM-free catalyst synthesis, characterization, and fuel cell testing at LANL is built on decades-long experience and proven results, and is the most important capability within LANL's PGM-free program by far. Read More
Sputter Deposition of Thin Films and High Surface Area Catalysts
Two sputter deposition chambers with the ability to deposit PGM-free catalysts by sputtering. Samples can be grown in thin film form or as conformally deposited supported nanoparticles on any vacuum stable support powder. Read More
High-throughput Synthesis of PGM-free Catalysts and Electrodes
Argonne’s High-Throughput Research Laboratory has two robotic platforms with solid and liquid handling, cooling and heating, and dispensing capabilities. One platform is in an inert atmosphere for air sensitive synthesis of materials and the other with an air atmosphere for non-air sensitive synthesis. Read More