Electrode/Cell Characterization
Kinetics and Transport
This capability takes advantage of fully automated testing equipment with a variety of unique aspects to extract PGM-free electrochemical kinetic data via in-operando testing in a differential cell configuration. Read More
PGM-free Catalyst Synthesis, Analytical Characterization, and Electrochemical and Fuel Cell Testing
The expertise in PGM-free catalyst synthesis, characterization, and fuel cell testing at LANL is built on decades-long experience and proven results, and is the most important capability within LANL's PGM-free program by far. Read More
Electrode Microstructure Characterization and Simulation
This capability encompasses structural imaging of electrodes, using synchrotron X-rays, combined with characterization via other techniques such as porosimetry and ultra-small angle X-ray scattering (USAXS), and use of these data from multiple techniques to build a structural and transport model of the electrode. Read More
Electron Tomography
STEM-based electron tomography is used to provide three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of the structure (STEM image reconstruction) and composition (chemical map reconstruction) of materials. Electron tomography is analogous to bulk tomography techniques like X-ray tomography, but can provide information at a much higher resolution (sub-nm-scale) and can be used to combine morphological, crystallographic, and compositional data into 3D renderings. Read More
Analytical Electron Microscopy
High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) are microscopy methods used to characterize the atomic-scale structure of PGM-free catalysts (typically in powder form) and the material constituents (catalyst and ionomer) comprising membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs). Read More
In situ and Operando Atomic, Nano-, and Micro-structure Characterization
This capability utilizes a combination of synchrotron X-ray spectroscopy, microscopy, tomography, and scattering and custom-built cells to determine the atomic structure, oxidation state, and nano- and micro-structure of catalysts, catalyst-ionomer inks, and electrodes in various environments. Read More
Segmented Cell Hardware
High throughput in-situ testing of electrode layers with gradient component composition, component distribution, and/or layer properties as resulting from high throughput and combinatorial catalyst development requires specialized diagnostic equipment. This capability utilizes a segmented cell system allowing for the spatial observation of the natural current and voltage distribution of a fuel cell within 121 individual segments. Read More
In situ Fluoride and Carbon Dioxide Emission Measurements
Characterization of fluoride and carbon dioxide emissions in the exhaust from operating polymer electrolyte fuel cells are crucial to determining the rates of membrane and ionomer degradation, as well as the rates of carbon corrosion in PGM-free catalysts. Read More
Segmented Cell and Neutron Imaging
Advanced fuel cell diagnostic tools are extensively used for a number of different studies of PGM-free electrodes including mass transport optimization, water and thermal management, and flow field design and validation. Read More
High-throughput Characterization of PGM-free Catalysts and Electrodes
Argonne’s High-Throughput Research Laboratory has analytical equipment designed to operate in concert with the robotic platforms used for synthesis of materials and using high-throughput methodology. This capability also includes combinatorial electrocatalytic activity and stability testing of high-surface-area powders and performance testing and characterization of electrodes. Read More